Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Greetings

Hurried as I am, I wanted to send a groovy ghoulie greeting to all you cheeselings on this pagan high holiday. Truth be told, I am not in costume today. With a relatively low-key evening plan (involving steamed mussels, a fire, and in-laws) and a vehemently anti-costume spouse, I am somewhat uninspired. It wasn't always this way.....only a few years back, my beloved wowed the crowd as a washed up Chippendales dancer, and years before as a leprechaun. However, his rented elfen costume held some bad Rennaisance Faire juju and he has been off dressing up ever since. That didn't stop me proposing a series of genius couples costumes for us this year (Linda Evans & Yanni, Mystery & J-Dog, Sweet Lime & Jack Whitman). If those references elude you, don't worry. It's now a moot point as I got shut down on all counts. Or as Rick Springfield would say "the point is prolly moot.")

In any case, I hope the rest of you have a kooky costumed night of spooky shenanigans. And hey, don't egg my house. I am standing by with candy, at the ready.


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